Fixing Monkeytoe to my roof
Do you hate stepping in puddles with your new shoes or driving on a track in a new car, we feel the same about your roofing system and the building envelope.
Like all great innovations Monkeytoe was born from a frustration, this was to provide mounting and access systems on roofs without causing damage or leakage issues. To do this Monkeytoe use two types of mounting clips for the two types of roofing iron top fix and hidden fix.
How do Monkeytoe products fix to the Roof?
Do you hate stepping in puddles with your new shoes or driving on a track in a new car, we feel the same about your roofing system and the building envelope?
Like all great innovations Monkeytoe was born from a frustration, this was to provide mounting and access systems on roofs without causing damage or leakage issues. To do this Monkeytoe use two types of mounting clips for the two types of roofing iron top fix and hidden fix
What is top fix roofing Iron?
Top fix or Trapezoidal roofing is the most common type of roofing material and can be identified be the fixings or tek screws or nails that fasten it to the roof. Standard corrugated Iron is also top fix, corrugated iron brings back memories of sore thumbs with roofing nails – way back in the 90’s!
What is hidden fix roofing Iron?
Hidden fix (also known as secret fix) roofing Iron has no visible fasteners but is clipped on to preinstalled clips mounted to the framing, the original ‘Monkeytoe’ was designed for this roofing material.
How do Monkeytoe clips mount hold roof platforms and walkways?
Top Fix Clips
Monkeytoe top fix clips use the same fixing position as a Tek screw fastener. Using a unique ‘Jack Stud’ with a M12 thread and a Tek screw end the jack stud fixies to the roof purlin securely. Once the jack stud is installed this is followed by the sealing washer and then the roofing clip which threads onto the stud. As the roofing clip is tightened the washer seals against the iron providing a tight seal. For deeper roofing systems such as Kingspan panels or double layer warm roof systems there are customisable length stud fixings available. These have been tested and engineered to mount plant/HAVAC maintenance platforms and walkways in roofing systems over 150 mm thick. When mounting to a multi-layer Warmroof system always ensure the fixings go right to the building or have been approved. For special applications with high winds are have also developed a ‘high uplift’ fixing see here(link to high uplift in design for wind piece)

Figure 1 Standard RC01 Roofing Clip Assembly
Hidden Fix Clips
These come in two styles which clamp to the profile directly above the roofing clip that holds the Iron on to the roof. These clamp to the roof with an insert that is shaped to your particular profile, to identify the correct profile check this guide here (needs to be Open).
As the clips clamp tightly to the iron the inserts mould slightly to the shape providing a strong grip on the hidden clip without scratching or damaging the protective coating of the iron, this provides a transfer of the loads back to the building.
Monkeytoe have 2 styles of hidden fix systems these are the RC03 and RC07. The RC07 is a newer clip with a specially formulated elastomer providing greater capacity, this is currently available for the common profiles and will eventually be available for all systems.

Note: neither of the above details show the roof system clips under the iron that hold it to the purlin
How does the roof hold the weight of Monkeytoe maintenance platforms and walkways?
Both roof clips (either top fix or clamp fix) ensure loads are transferred directly back to the building structure without loading the iron. For the RC01 the load goes directly onto the Combistud and then the purlin. This allowing the weight to be transferred directly to the roof purlin which is part of the building structure. With the RC03 and RC07 the plastic or elastomer insert grips the iron against the hidden fix clip (of the roofing iron), which is fastened to the purlin, this transfers the load into the clip and in turn to the purlin without damage strain. On top of the clips the marine grade aluminium extrusions of the walkways or platform are secured to the clips with tek screws. When installing large equipment platforms always check with your engineer to ensure the underlying structure can take the weight.

Figure 4 How the roof clip supports the loads and transfers it to the purlin
How do the roof clips avoid leaks?
By having not penetrating and protecting your roof with clamping system there is no path for water. The top fix RC01 clip is designed with a special sealing washer which moulds to the shape and seals across the top of the profile. To prove it performance BRANZ tested this with their hurricane simulation test showing no leaks. To ensure best performance the jack studs should be installed square and the clip tightened firmly against the washer without squashing the roof profile
How does Monkeytoe protect the roof from damage?
By fixing to the top of the roofing profile the Monkeytoe clips keep the structure and walking people off the roof surface. This minimises damage from heavy footsteps and also provides a clear drainage passage preventing a build-up of debris which can cause leaks and corrosion. The aluminium Amplimesh walking surfaces also provide a free passage to rain preventing unwashed roof surfaces which can be subject to accelerated corrosion
How to mount to other roof types
For some iron types that are not suitable for fixing to such as some standing seam profiles or chiller panel Monkeytoe do have an adhesive tape fixing system that is used for specialist applications, these are designed and engineered on a case-by-case basis. For further information contact out technical support.
How do I mount to a membrane roof?
For secure, reliable mounting Monkeytoe always recommends mounting maintenance platforms and walkways with a plinth system. Each plinth is fixed to the roof and building structure and then has a second seal of membrane over it. For specific applications requiring low shear (side to side) loads such as earthquake securing Monkeytoe do have a tape system that can be used on single layer membranes only, not torch on bitumen based. This tape system requires custom design and is assessed for each application. For further information contact out technical support.

Figure 5 Typical plinth detail showing a Monkeytoe clip, recommended mounting system for membrane roofs